Time Off Management System

Be a more attractive employer through time-off benefits

Time off is a policy in some employee handbooks that allows employees to trade their overtimes hours for off days. Many employees value the flexibility that time off provides. Frontier e-HR’s Time Off Management System provides you with a  solution to simplifying your time off request and approval process. We believe that in a competitive labour market, there are benefits where employers stand to gain when implementing Time Off policies.

How Frontier e-HR time off management system will help your company

With our Time Management System, your employees will be able to plan their time off in advance and have the information of their time off balance. The Time Off Management System is seamlessly integrated to our HRMS system.

Your managers will be able to deal with lesser unplanned absences, giving them ample time to arrange for work coverage.

Furthermore, an automated solution assists your administrators by eliminating the need to manual track everyone’s time off.

With our Time Management System, employees will have better morale and be more committed to do OT. Time off policy encourages employees to work harder and put in overtime when the situation calls for it because they will be able to reclaim the extra hours spent at work through extra leave days.

Frontier e-HR supports you in maximising workplace efficiency with these comprehensive features and facilities: