Performance Appraisal System
Inspire continuous high performance
Frontier e-HR’s Performance Appraisal System offers you the flexibility of configuring your appraisal forms to suit your needs. With our talent management system, you can effectively administer strategic organisational objectives and keep your employees up-to-date with their targets. 360-degree visibility into employee appraisal cycle ensures accurate performance tracking and compensation rewarding on-merit.
The alignment of a company’s objectives, as well as proper execution of workforce performance targets, is crucial in identifying new revenue streams and minimising risks. Progressive businesses have begun competing in their capability in accomplishing strategy-guided objectives while minimising any risks involved. With our Performance Review System, your company will be able to develop these abilities.
The Performance Based Appraisal System encourages your employees and managers to engage in meaningful, ongoing performance conversations. Furthermore, employees can create personal goals that can be easily revised and amended at any time. Managers can then ensure that each employee are working towards the organisation’s objectives.
Employee Performance Appraisal System also provides your managers with an extensive overview on their team’s performance through the Online Appraisal feature. This promotes a habit of constant assessment and team development for managers.
To add on, your administrators can gather key business understandings easier. With these business insights, you can better identify areas in need for improvement in the workforce.
Staff Performance Appraisal System’s flexibility allows you to implement that best fit the business needs of your company now and in the future. These include automated workflow, configurable template designer, flexible rating schemes, 360-degree feedback and other built-in content that will help managers assess and develop your people.
Find out from our team about Performance Appraisal software grant from PSG eligible for Singapore SMEs.