NGOs, or Non-governmental Organizations, play a big role in shaping our society. They are not conformed to or controlled by any government and has the purpose of addressing social or political issues. NGOs are critical in engaging the community by developing society through their efforts, improving communities, and promoting citizen participation. It is no easy task and NGOs require a lot of support internally to ensure their staff are well taken care of and can work efficiently with the best tools.

Frontier e-HR is proud to be a partner of a number of NGOs in Singapore. We have helped them to transform their internal processes and aided them in digitalizing and automating mundane tasks which helps them to focus on high-level tasks.

Through the years of working with NGOs, the Frontier e-HR system (leapsUP) has been adapted to suit the primary needs of NGOs well. Aside from the wide range of modules and functions we support, there are several functions that cater specifically for NGOs.

NGOs follow the SkillsFuture competency framework closely as its beneficial to their employees in many ways. It keeps their workforce active and ever growing. Frontier e-HR has an elaborate competency library that allows administrators to keep it up-to-date with SkillsFuture’s competency framework. Administrators can design each job position with the relevant competencies and track them through our Appraisal process. For any gaps that have been identified, the Learning Management module allows employees to select courses to help them grow in that skill gap. This end-to-end workflow of creating, tracking and identifying competencies allows NGOs to stay competitive with an ever growing workforce.