4 Tips for Successful Employee Onboarding

In most companies, hiring process is lengthy, however lack of preparation for new hire’s arrival often occurs. Besides taking care of general onboarding process, communication with the team leads and other functions needs to be carried out to ensure the new teammate is properly welcome.

First day at a new job is eventful for every new hire, when the onboarding process is successful, new employees will be more engaged and productive faster, getting your company one step closer to the goals. Learn 4 tips from Frontier e-HR on delivering better employee experience during the onboarding process.

1. Cross Function Coordination

Coordinate with other teams to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Take note of simple task such as coordinating with your IT team to prepare necessary equipment to arranging onboarding mentor. Go the extra mile to arranging meetings with the other teams who can provide useful information to the new teammate, this will help reduce the anxiety of the new hire being new to the people and processes.

This will also ensure that the documentation across different functions in your organization is regularly updated.

2. Create An Onboarding Template

Consolidate the activities, meetings and reading your new teammate need to accomplish for onboarding process into a checklist.

Utilize Frontier e-HR Onboarding & Task Management to create the necessary template. Your new hire will be able to retrieve this information in one place and have a clear understanding on what is expected from them during the first few days of their work. Once the onboarding template is created, you can repeat the same process for other new hires.

For each category within the template, in this case, IT, HR, Benefits, Management, you can assign relevant contact point for the person in charge.

3. New Hire Announcement

With the current remote workforce trend in place, it will be harder for your teammates to keep up with the new hires. Keep everyone informed through Frontier e-HR News Portal where your colleagues can receive the notification via our mobile app. You can include your new hire’s role and some fun personal details in your announcement, this will encourage your organization to stay connected.

4. Be Open to Feedback

Employee onboarding survey is crucial to improve your company’s onboarding process and retention rate, as well as your new employee’s productivity and satisfaction. The frequency of survey can be decided by you, whether you would like to do it on the 3rd week, 1st month or even 3rd month.

It will help you understand what the bottlenecks in your company’s onboarding process are and help you successfully onboard the next new employees. Make use of Frontier e-HR Employee Survey for this automation.

Feel free to approach our team or contact us at enquiry@frontier-ehr.com to find out more!