7 Ways Frontier e-HR Assists in Employee Engagement

One of the key concerns HR has today is how to better engage their remote workforce. Leveraging on our existing HRMS platform, Frontier e-HR has launched a Survey module to help HR make employee engagement a success.

(1) Quick deployment

The survey module rides on the existing LeapsUP and HREntree solutions by Frontier e-HR. Thus making the deployment quick and simple for existing clients, without any heavy implementation effort required.

(2) Easy To Create Survey

To create a survey is easy. The features are intuitive and require minimum training to get you started. The survey features support creation of open-ended questions in text and multiline as well as multiple choice questions. Employees may participate in corporate surveys via a variety of platforms, including mobile apps, tablets, and desktop computers.

(3) Allow Anonymity

Sometimes in order to motivate employees to participate in survey, there is a need to enable anonymity. Employees are less likely to give honest opinion out of fear of any potential repercussions. Frontier e-HR’s Survey Module allows anonymity thus encouraging employees to share their honest opinions.

(4) Real-time Insights

While traditional survey methodology might takes time to churn out a report. Our survey module allow sharing of result in real time, allowing the admin to immediately study the analytics for insights.

(5) Analysis by Demographic

As Frontier e-HR’s Survey module in fully integrated to our HRMS, we are able to provide more insights through analytics by demographics of your workforce based on gender, departments, entities and seniority.

(6) Invitation to External Parties

Besides inviting internal employees, response from external parties can provide you with more balanced feedback.

(7) Electronic Annual Employee Declaration

Utilize Frontier-eHR’s survey module to automate the annual employee declaration that your organization conducts including and not limited to Conflict of Interest Declaration, Acknowledgement on Company Policy and Code of Conduct. Track response rate seamlessly and eliminate the need to store hardcopies and pdf in disparate locations

Don’t miss out on this chance to improve your Employee Engagement. Drop us an email at enquiry@frontier-ehr.com for product demo.