meHR, Chinese Language HRMS

Engage Employees in THEIR Language

35% of the Singapore’s population speak mandarin. So do 16% of the world’s population. That is a large number. This means that at least 1 in 3 of employees in Singapore speaks mandarin, and 1 in 10 employees in the world do too! Thus, as organizations grow to become more people-centered, Human Resources needs to adapt accordingly.

For their daily applications of Leave and Claims, booking resources, viewing of Payslips and more, let your employees be able to perform all that through their native language! It shows the organization’s interest in investing in the employee’s well-being, and increases internal happiness when employees feel that.

Frontier e-HR’s mission to promote HR operational efficiencies through innovation and great user experience brings us to the launch of the mandarin language on our mobile app.

Speak to our team today to find out more!